“Oggi la plastica è descritta come il male del mondo e tutti, proprio tutti, stanno chiedendo a gran voce che si intervenga, che ci si mobiliti, per evitare un disastro annunciato.

Nel novembre 2017 ero in spiaggia in Sardegna e guardavo la quantità di plastica coloratissima portata dal mare. Da qui l’idea: la missione di coinvolgere il mondo del design per dare alla plastica una nuova vita, valorizzando le sue immense possibilità di trasformazione.

Dalla denuncia all’azione, il progetto evolve in  Guiltless Plastic  (la plastica senza colpa), che oggi presenta Ro Plastic Prize, un premio internazionale e intergenerazionale che vedrà l’exhibit dei migliori progetti e lavori, pensati e realizzati con un consapevole riutilizzo della plastica riciclata riciclabile.

Una giuria internazionale di professionisti ed esperti decreterà i vincitori delle quattro categorie, ai quali andrà un premio di 10.000 € ciascuno.”

Ro Plastic Prize – Sito Ufficiale


Il concorso è totalmente in lingua inglese.
Per saperne di più: Ro Plastic Prize


“Today plastic is described as the evil of the world and everyone is clamoring for action to be taken, mobilized, to prevent an announced disaster.

In November 2017 I was on the beach in Sardinia, watching the amount of colorful plastic carried by sea. Hence the idea: the mission of involving the world of design to give plastic a new life, enhancing its immense possibilities for transformation.

From the denunciation to the action, the project evolves into Guiltless Plastic, which today presents Ro Plastic Prize, an international and intergenerational award that will see the exhibit of the best projects and works, conceived and realized with an aware reuse of the recyclable recycled plastic.

An international jury of professionals and experts will decide the winners of the four categories, which will receive a prize of € 10,000 each. ”


Plastic is a global problem and we can all become part of the solution.

Ro Plastic Prize wishes to unite the design community in the challenge to move beyond plastic pollution as we know it today and to promote the next generation of design. Plastic was invented in the late 1800’s, finding use in technical applications, such as warfare, in the 1930’s. In the 1950ies it became widespread in consumer products and packaging. Since it’s invention, over 8 billion metric tons have been globally produced and more than 50% has been discarded or incinerated. This number is constantly growing: over 322 million metric tons are produced each year, and 8 million metric tons end up in our oceans. This is threatening the health of the marine ecosystems and sea-life. All plastic that is not properly disposed of is toxic in nature, not only at sea but on land. We need to embrace the power of design and acknowledge the impact it can have. Today plastic trash is the biggest resource available. While researchers are constantly developing biodegradable polymers, what can be done to lessen the burden of oil-based plastics on the ecosystems? The invention of this class of materials was revolutionary and still today polymers are essential in many industries and goods.
Re-using, recycling and reinventing are the challenges that this prize wishes to bring to the global design community. When transformed, plastic can become a resource with vast possibilities and potentials.


Rossana Orlandi Srl is launching the 1st edition of Ro Plastic Prize to challenge and inspire the design community to think differently about how our things are made. The best projects will be presented as finalists at Rossana Orlandi Gallery during the Fuorisalone of the 2019 Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan. A jury of professionals and experts will select four winners among the finalists, one for each category, who will each receive a prize of 10.000€.

Learn more about the prize on: Ro Plastic Prize

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