Design Center srl, in the person of Marco Bonetto, organiser and chairman of the ‘Targa Rodolfo Bonetto’ award, aimed at students from universities and design schools all over the world, is pleased to announce the 25th edition of the award in 2022.
Established in 1991 by Marco in memory of his father Rodolfo Bonetto, one of the great masters of Italian design, the ‘Targa Rodolfo Bonetto’ is intended to reflect the thinking of this great designer, who throughout his professional career was able not only to create innovation in design but also in the very concept of industrial products.
Targa Bonetto deliberately places the concept in the foreground, not the casuistry of products and their technological assumptions.
It promotes the formulation of projects that best represent the desire for fulfilment of the individual or team of authors. The invitation is addressed to young design students, so that they may demonstrate their peculiar subjective intention in their ideation.
Realisation of an innovative design concept project that expresses the author’s personal satisfaction.
A concept that surprises users for its particular use, no limits to the design language, feeling free to express oneself in an unconventional way.
Participation is free of charge. Participating projects must be received by 31 July 2022 accompanied by the form (“Competition entry form”) filled in in all its parts on the website http://targabonetto.it,
The projects and the entry form may be uploaded directly to the website http://targabonetto.it after registering and following the procedures set out or sent to the e-mail address targabonetto@bonettodesign.com also by We Transfer.
Only students enrolled in universities or schools of design and architecture, or students who have graduated within 12 months, may participate in the Rodolfo Bonetto Targa.
Students may participate with group projects up to a maximum of 3 components for each single project.
At the sole discretion of the Jury, 4 plaques will be awarded, according to the following classification:
1st place Plaque + certificate + personalised scooter
2nd place Plate + certificate
3rd place Plaque + certificate
Special Critics’ Award assigned by the Scientific Committee, Plate + certificate.
The Jury also reserves the right to award special mentions to particularly deserving projects or to schools that stand out for the high participation and quality of their work.
The official award ceremony with the announcement of the winners, and the relative exhibition of all the participating projects, will take place in October 2022 in Milan, at a date and place to be announced.
To download the announcement click here: