Between October 2019 25th and 27th, Sustaining Cities engages the hands and minds that build our cities with a view to inspire and incite action, foster fruitful collaborations and exchange ideas and practices towards...
Bachelor Degree WORKSHOP BLS - Beyond the Full Face Mask Lecturer Prof. Luca Gafforio BLS is an Italian company, with a strong international vocation, specialized in the production of personal...
Dear student, How do you envision the cities of the future? Let’s discover it together. Accept the challenge and participate in the Vodafone 5G CHALLENGE for Smart City and Smart...
Autodidatta, Rodolfo Bonetto ha fornito un contributo essenziale all’insegnamento del Design Industriale. Docente alla Hochschule für Gestaltung di Ulm, e all’Isia di Roma, membro e presidente dell’ADI e dell’ICSID, ha...
The Politecnico di Milano offers great opportunities for students and brands to get to know each other and to create small creation moments to enhance their own experiences. Workshops are intensive making...
Seminar open to all Masters students. There will be great guests, current representatives of the labour market. It's strongly recommended to participate for all of those students who are eager...