On the occasion of the "Salone Internazionale del Mobile" 2019, Politecnico di Milano will be presenting projects, models, prototypes and events both within the University spaces and different places in...
ROSSANA ORLANDI "Today plastic is described as the evil of the world and everyone is clamoring for action to be taken, mobilized, to prevent an announced disaster. In November 2017...
This was the topic of Mauro Porcini's Open Lecture. He is SVP & Chief Designer Officer in Pepsico. The lecture took place at Polimi last February the 20th. Following you can...
SPACE4INSPIRACTION FLIES TO NEW YORK! | 11th-13th MARCH 2019 The Space Design course this year will develop joint projects with the prestigious FIT University, Fashion Institute of Technology The Space4InspirAction...
WRITERS 2019 | MILAN | MILANESE REFRIGERATORS | 1st - 3rd FEBRUARY 2019 Space and the moon: creative paths between different worlds through the lens of design The results of...
Dear student, How do you envision the cities of the future? Let’s discover it together. Accept the challenge and participate in the Vodafone 5G CHALLENGE for Smart City and Smart...
Autodidatta, Rodolfo Bonetto ha fornito un contributo essenziale all’insegnamento del Design Industriale. Docente alla Hochschule für Gestaltung di Ulm, e all’Isia di Roma, membro e presidente dell’ADI e dell’ICSID, ha...