In occasione del Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2019, il Politecnico di Milano sarà presente con mostre di progetti, modelli, prototipi ed eventi sia all’interno dell’Ateneo che in diversi luoghi della...
Saturday 6 April 2019, from 9:00 am to 4:10 pm, you will be able to watch the presentations of the study courses and admission tests for all the three-year degree...
Sabato 6 aprile 2019, dalle 9:00 alle 16:10, potrai assistere alle presentazioni dei corsi di studio e dei test di ammissione di tutti i corsi di laurea triennale in ingegneria, design e...
ROSSANA ORLANDI "Oggi la plastica è descritta come il male del mondo e tutti, proprio tutti, stanno chiedendo a gran voce che si intervenga, che ci si mobiliti, per evitare...
ROSSANA ORLANDI "Today plastic is described as the evil of the world and everyone is clamoring for action to be taken, mobilized, to prevent an announced disaster. In November 2017...
The Design School, in collaboration with the Design Department, Polidesign and ADI, organizes a new round of ADI meetings IMPRESA DOCET in which leading companies, who have put the design...
This was the topic of Mauro Porcini's Open Lecture. He is SVP & Chief Designer Officer in Pepsico. The lecture took place at Polimi last February the 20th. Following you can...
LEVERAGING DESIGN THINKING TO DRIVE BRAND BUILDING AND INNOVATION In questo nuovo contesto sociale in cui viviamo - connesso 24/7, iper-tecnologico e guidato dai social media - il modo tradizionale di fare business,...
SPACE4INSPIRACTION FLIES TO NEW YORK! | 11th-13th MARCH 2019 The Space Design course this year will develop joint projects with the prestigious FIT University, Fashion Institute of Technology The Space4InspirAction...